With the upcoming release of the official Scrypta developer documentation — our efforts will be focused on building the Scrypta developer community. Alongside the growth of our user-base, these next steps include building a brand new community for developers.
The developer community will become our focus point to unite developers, help them better participate and contribute in Scrypta’s development.
Following our core blockchain values — open-source and decentralization — we hopes more and more developers can participate and contribute in the Scrypta Ecosystem development.
Today Scrypta Foundation launching the Centurion Program: Scrypta Developer Task Bounty and inviting all developers to join. Any developer can participate, contribute and earn rewards for their efforts in contributing to the project.
This is the first of two bounty programs: the launch of our Pretorian Program: Security & Bug Bounty will be released shortly. Together we will maximize the value and the potential of the Scrypta Ecosystem!
By joining Scrypta Server on Discord, or by following Scrypta’s official account on Medium, developers can see all the latest tasks.
The Bounty Program will be also available on a specific Github Repository, allowing developers to easily work on and claim the bounties.
What are the open tasks developers can participate in?
Apply now on Typeform! Let’s Play!
TASK_1: Improvements on Scrypta Manent App
Manent App is the mobile version of our light wallet, is built in Ionic and it needs some minor improvement before launch. All major bugs are written here: https://github.com/scryptachain/scrypta-manent-app/projects/1.
There are small and big issues, however main functions are fully functioning.
Bounty Range: up to 15000 LYRA
TASK_2: ScryptaID Extension
There are some open tasks about the Firefox version and even here we need UX and UI improvements. We need a focus on the Identity management which needs to be built from scratch.
Bounty Range: up to 10000 LYRA
TASK_3: ScryptaID Backend
ScryptaID needs to be improved from scratch. The idea is to built a microservice with NodeJS and PassportJS with the single function of validate external accounts and creates hooks with a Lyra address. This service should be called directly from ScryptaID extension, opening a new webpage where user can validate (clientside) all the desired accounts. The Extension will inject those authenticated accounts in the dApp, so the user will be able to interact with some specific identities. Another kind of user validation should be done through 2FA with the same idea, the secret code will be written (encrypted) inside the Lyra address and the validation will be at Extension level.
Bounty Range: up to 10000 LYRA
How developers can claim task
Release of Task
At 10:00 (GMT+1) on the first and the third Monday of each month, the Scrypta Task Force will update the missions on Discord and Github.
By filling out the application form, developers can claim missions. Once submitted, the team will contact the applicants.
Application form for Developer Task Bounty: https://docs.google.com/forms/
Task rewards
The amount of rewards will be determined by period and complexity of each task.
Mission progress and completion
At 18:00 every second and fourth Friday (GMT+1) of each month, Scrypta team will collect information about development progress for each task and reward developers for completed bounties. Developers need to inform the Scrypta Team about their progress to be qualified for project review and payment.
Updates of development projects will be published on Discord and Github.
Quality check and management
Once the task is completed and submitted, the team will review the quality of each project.
Uncompleted projects will not be rewarded.
Once the task is submitted, Scrypta owns full copyrights and developers cannot use the contents for other commercial uses.
SCRYPTA - Adaptive BlockchainWebsite: www.scryptachain.org
Scrypta Foundation website: https://scrypta.foundation
Block Explorer: https://chainz.cryptoid.info/lyra
Official Github: https://github.com/scryptachain
Twitter: https://twitter.com/scryptachain
Discord: https://discord.me/scryptachain
Telegram: https://t.me/scryptachain_official
e-mail: info@scryptachain.org