Scrypta-Health and research

8 min readFeb 25, 2019


Healtcare sector is changing at great speed thanks to real -time data collection and new and increasingly smart devices. Because of that, the urgency of its technological development is a priority.

The health system must focus on patient-centered quality services. This means ensuring health management at a higher level, at any time and wherever the patient is. However, national rules and regulations make processes more complex and time — consuming. Because of this, maintaining these processes immutable while trying to provide effective patient care is not possible in many cases. Furthermore, the dependence on intermediaries in the supply chain makes the system even more cumbersome.

In the health sector, patient data and information are scattered across different departments and usually still depend on obsolete local registers for data retention. This could cause crucial information not to be accessible and readily available in case of need, making doctor’s diagnosis complex. Because of this, time and cost to maintain a patient — oriented business are very high.

The existing health care ecosystem can not be considered adequate since many of its actors do not have an infrastructure for a uniform process management. The problems in the current health sector are many and always growing in number.

The exchange of information is another time consuming and critical process that translates into high costs in the health sector. Since patients have no control over their data, the likelihood of identity theft, financial crimes and spamming increases every day.

Although we have tools such as computers and smartphones in every healthcare facility, most systems are not able to collect, analyze, protect and exchange data without problems, yet. Therefore, healthcare does not only need an advanced infrastracture, but it also requires a system that is fluid, transparent, economically efficient and easily usable.

Blockchain Solutions

Blockchain technology has the potential to take a huge step forward in the healthcare ecosystem. With the help of this technology, control can return to people’s hands. This means that individuals will be responsible for managing their data, thus obtaining general control of their information.

Blockchain technology has the ability to improve the quality of patient care by keeping costs to a reasonable level. All the challenges and obstacles that occur in multi-level authentication can be eliminated.

Imagine a healthcare system where all informations are easily accessible to doctors, patients and pharmacists anywhere, anytime. The Blockchain allows the creation and sharing of a single common database of health information.

This system would be accessible to all entities involved in the process, regardless of the electronic medical system they use. This would provide greater security and transparency, allowing doctors to have more time to care for patients and their treatments. In addition, it would also allow sharing research statistics that could would facilitate clinical trials and treatment therapies for rare disease.

In a healthcare system, a fluid sharing of health data can lead to higher diagnosis accuracy, effective treatments and a cost — effective system.

The Healthcare Blockchain would allow multiple entities in the healthcare ecosystem to stay in sync and share data on a distributed ledger. Participants can share and track their data and other activities that occur in the system without having to look for additional options for data integrity and security.

With features like immutability, reliability and decentralization, the distributed blockchain technology offers the healthcare industry the opportunity to detect fraud, reduce operational costs, streamline processes, limit labor growth and apply transparency in the health ecosystem.

Scrypta blockchain as a standard for health care

Managing patients’ medical data through Scrypta’s blockchain will allow to share safely and fast. Therefore, it could greatly help medicine and healthcare to improve offered services, with the chance of acceeding to patient’s medical data and then get to know their medical records and story in advance in order to give better care and faster.

Scrypta can also help managing complex scenarios related to interaction between interregional health systems or between private subjects such as analysis laboratories, private health facilities or even insurance.

As a practical example we can consider the case in which patients must share their medical records with third parties such as pharmacies when they need to buy specific medicines or with legal advisors, etc.

Scrypta’s Blockchain creates a hash for each sensitive data block and, at the same time, creates a patient ID that will act as a collector. Using an API, the authorized entities will be able to receive the necessary information without revealing the identity of the patient but utilise only the ID generated. Likewise, a patient can decide who to provide access to and whether this access will be complete or partial. In addition, a patient can set specific usage authorizations to third parties, who should also give their permission to share data with other parties.

Scrypta’s blockchain technology can also help to speed up hospitals control procedures and operational mechanisms and can bring significant efficiencies to secure document management.

In the health sector, Scrypta could be a useful technology for various tasks such as:

  • verify patients digital identity (read the article “Scrypta and Digital Identity
  • keep track of medical prescriptions history;
  • monitor the progress of treatments and drug delivery;
  • manage and archive documents such as medical records, invoices, medical researches result and tests;
  • addressing IT security problems through its immutability;
  • solve the problem of counterfeit drugs, ensuring the traceability of drugs;
  • prevent fraudulent modification of clinical trial data.

Below we analyze some of these use cases that can take advantage of Scrypta technology and which could make the healthcare industry more accessible, secure and reliable.

Data on the health of the population

Data on population health refer to the medical information of a particular demographic group. Data is usually provided anonymously and in these cases no name is revealed.

When it comes to manage the health of the population, the most important challenges faced are data security, shareability and interoperability. If patient information is isolated and stored on multiple systems that do not permit the regular exchange of information, data on the health of the population in various patient sets would become scarce. Scrypta provides a reliable solution for this specific challenge. In fact, it will allow greater security, data sharing, interoperability, data integrity, updating and access in realtime.

The use of Scrypta technology coul possibly allow to increase number of those who would allow to share their health information in a conscious way, thus reinforcing an alliance between researchers and citizens.

Data management and storage

The present health system and medicalt organizations operate through centralized databases. In these cases, if a hacker or an anti — social element attacks the system, he could access the general database and jeopardize the patient’s data and the organization archives.

Photo by Vincent Botta on Unsplash

Scrypta blockchain can be used to improve organizations internal infrastructures. A large organization with many independent actors, built with different levels of access on a blockchain ledger with encryption embedded within the blocks, will save organizations from external threats and attacks. If a blockchain network is implemented correctly in a healthcare organization, it would prevent hacking attacks and other issues such as data corruption or hardware failures.

Traceability of drugs

Drug counterfeiting in the supply chain causes major loss of billions of dollars every year and it bring the death of hundreds of people who take fake or wrong medicines, especially in developing countries. The spread of counterfeit drugs is a serious problem in the pharmaceutical system.

Scrypta’s blockchain technology main feature that can be used in the traceability of drugs is its safety. Each new transaction added to a block is immutable and timestamped. This process facilitates monitoring drugs and ensures that the information contained in the block can not bechanged, btaining the proof that the drugs are authentic.

When the drug moves along the supply chain between different entities it can be easily traced.

Furthermore, the data transparency feature in a blockchain system can help monitor the full trail from the source, thus helping to eradicate the circulation of fake drugs.

Clinical trials and data security

Clinical trials are conducted to ensure and analyze the effectiveness of drugs developed for the treatment of a specific disease. To conduct a clinical trial, huge amounts of data are needed. Researchers focus on these sets of information and conduct regular tests under different circumstances to generate reports, statistics and reports of effectiveness. Based on these reports, the data is analized and further decisions can be taken.

In many cases, however, most pharmaceutical companies are usually interested in recording results that can provide benefits to their businesses.

In order to make clinical trials more fair and transparent, researchers can use Scrypta’s blockchain technology to record safe, unbiased and transparent clinical trials.

In the same times, for companies that conduct authentic clinical trials, everything must be safe and transparent. To this end, the documents created and used in the process, such as informed consent, research plans, regulations and study protocol must be marked with a timestamp. This means that documents should have proof and details of their creation.

Scypta’s blockchain can add credibility to clinical trials and results. Documents can be archived on the blockchain, reducing revision costs, lost document problems and fraud. The blockchain can also maintain the management of the drug supply chain and the responsibility for monitoring medicines.

The success of Scypta’s blockchain for healthcare sector depends on the acceptance of the new technology within the healthcare ecosystem in order to create a new technical infrastructure.

With so many potential use cases and possibilities, Scypta wants to revolutionize the healthcare landscape.

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