In the current digital transformation scenario, Public Administrations must interoperate and cooperate to exchange information such as individual and organizations reliable data, license, assets and activities. This process is very complex and subjected to many errors. The fact that many documents are still only in paper format and contain sensitive data adds complexity to this issue. These documents should be jealously guarded and protected from unauthorized access or manipulation but often this does not happen.
Since one of the main features of the blockchain technology is the very nature of its language that can provide transparent, accessible, non-manipulable and secure information, implementing it could offer solutions for the improvement of many of these aspects and favor the process of digitization of the PA. Compared to the traditional centralized logic this would represent a very important step for Public Administrations.
The blockchain is open and transparent, allowing everyone to verify that the data is congruous, ensuring that nobody can modify them once archived and certified by the community. The certainty, not associated with a central authority, in data access and inalterability can represent a favorable factor of trust towards the public administration for the citizens.
Furthermore, the blockchain allows to implement less expensive, faster and more flexible forms of control, as well as new models for the participation of the citizens themselves.
Scrypta — Standard infrastructure for the Public Administration
The architecture of Scrypta fits easily into this context and could radically change the ways in which citizens and the PA interact. The infrastructure and tools offered by Scrypta can facilitate interoperability between the various administrations, due to a decentralized and distributed logic that leads to greater transparency, security and accessibility.
Scrypta is based on open source software, allowing anyone to verify the genuineness of the code. The publication of the source code is aimed, first of all, at creating trust in public opinion and consolidating it in the long term. It is also aimed at receiving feedbacks from competent experts and any suggestions for improvement.
Structuring a new PA platform on the Scrypta blockchain would lead to the introduction of some unique elements such as digital IDs, cryptography, dApps, etc. that are not present in other governance models. The first step is therefore to ensure that the main components that will interact with the system are structured and organized in a relevant way. The main components of the proposed model and their basic functionalities are:
Digital ID: the way the end user is identified within the system.
Public data: general information which any person can access, such as public finances, voting results, environmental data, etc.
Encrypted user data: information accessible only to users (*) with specific rights, such as health data, sensitive data, etc.
Digital Asset: the units of value representing different “rights”, such as specific funds for voting, health services, education, transport, etc.
Digital wallet: where users store their digital assets (resources).
dApp: the distributed web application developed for the implementation and management of public services (*).
User interface: the interface through which users interact with the app
(*)Users: anyone who has a relationship with the Public Administration, such as citizens, companies, institutions, etc. (*)Public services: the governmental activities from which the dApps services and digital resources originate and from which the private and public data of the users are provided.
In the open-source system hypothesized by Scrypta, users will have their identities verified and will receive a private key to access the user interface of the blockchain based app. The dApp will examine the personal information of the citizen, certifying that identity is suitable. The dApp will never know the identity as well ad other sensitive data of the user, respecting his right to privacy.
Scrypta has also developed an identity card with NFC technology (near field communication) based on a pair of keys (one public and one private) used to identify users and allow data exchange in a safe and secure way. Users are identified in the blockchain through a string of characters called “address”, derived from their public cryptographic key. This system allows users to preserve and protect their online identity and allows them to access their account.
In order to add an additional level of security, the system could be managed by Scrypta “Trustlink”, ie voluntary trust lines established by two or more parties. To learn more, go to this link:
Imagine the use of the blockchain in keeping public records, in document preservation, digital identity, payments, tax collection up to voting mechanisms.
The standard blockchain infrastructure for PAs would mean that the exchange of data (the Internet of values and rights) would be, in a new and revolutionary way, returned to the control of the same person who generates the data.
Scrypta technology could support this scenario. People and organizations would have their relevant data stored in a dedicated ledger within an encrypted blockchain database. People or companies could access these ledgers through any device. Users could authorize the public administrations to read or modify specific elements of their ledger using public and private key cryptography.
Users could also selectively use their public keys, sharing some of their information related to a particular transaction with administrative agencies. They could issue one-off private keys to agencies to “write” access to their data.
This agencies would be able to use specific information for a single purpose but would not have unlimited access to all user data not specifically needed.
The use of Scrypta blockchain registers would reduce the risk of unauthorized access and data manipulation thanks to tamper-proof control paths. In fact, public services could connect to the network without unfairly infringing on citizens privacy rights.
Individuals and companies would no longer waste valuable time by filling out forms with informations previously provided to the government. The agencies could customize their services to respond more efficiently to the needs of the community.
We believe that PAs would have a lot to gain by experimenting with Scrypta technology, even gradually implementing it through pilot projects.
First of all, government agencies could examine the use of this technology by focusing on those processes that would lead to a better citizens’ experience — for example by rationalizing interactions that now involve too many manual activities or that cost too much or that are time consuming — to produce immediate and significant results. It will certainly take time before this technology can fully mature, but the time has come to experiment it with new models that promise to radically redefine the governance system between citizens, businesses and governments.
SCRYPTA - Archiving and VerificationWebsite:
Scrypta Masternodes Platform:
Block Explorer:
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